Winning, or excelling in sports is MENTAL as well as physical. The Sharper Minds® program dramatically develops the brain to:

  •  GREATLY improve sports speed, accuracy, coordination
  • Overcome reading & learning issues found among some athletes.

Sure, you have a strong body, but how fast is your mind? How fast is your reaction timing and your decision making on the field? How good is your hand-eye coordination and peripheral eyesight? How accurate are your gross and fine motor skills?

If you could speed up your brain by double or more, if you could develop exceptional skills beyond that of many in your chosen field, would that make you a more exceptional athlete, maybe even an outstanding one?

Since the year 2000, Sharper Minds has helped thousands of individuals dramatically speed up their brains, excelling in many of the above areas. Brain processing speed increases not just 30-40% but often 300-400%. That is very noticeable in athletics as well as academics.


  • Nine of our Sharper Minds program graduates have helped their teams win their state championships in their respective classes and divisions.
  • A professional football player had a hard time staying employed due to slower reaction timing and quickness in making decisions. After just 3 months of our program addressing these issues, he landed a $700,000+ contract and played well over the next few years. He’s now a head football coach at a private university.
  • A 10-year baseball player, after our program batted .667 for the season and routinely struck out 10 batters on 50 pitches or less. He was called “freakishly fantastic” by one observer. That is him in the photo.
  • Another boy was so fast and accurate on the basketball court, running circles around other players that other families noticed and wanted the same for their kids. Families referring families.
  • Another made a basket from half court just before the buzzer to win a tournament basketball game.

Athletes spend countless hours strengthening their bodies and practicing their drills.  But why not also spend time developing the brain to higher-than-normal levels of performance?

The Sharper Minds program is YOUR brain bootcamp — anywhere in the world.

Backed by science, proven in practice for over 23 years.

Think Better – Live Better

Call 1-866-435-7233